Hydrocarbons are dangerous for health, and American Society of Nephrology\nhas already described renal involvement by Hydrocarbon. The Republic of\nCongo produces oil but there is no study among these working with hydrocarbon\nto evaluate their renal status. The patient of 39 years working for 5\nyears as carrier oil, with high exposure to oil or more than 2 hours per day.\nHe has no history of herbal medicine, no edema, no diabetes, no high blood\npressure and he was not suffering from infectious diseases and there was no\nconcept of kidney disease in the family. He was hospitalized for febrile generalized\ntonic convulsions with impaired renal function. After patient stabilization,\nclinical and biological examinations allowed us to conclude the\nchronic glomerulonephritis syndrome in five stages of chronic kidney disease.\nAs creatinine at the entrance was 195 mg/l, clearance was 3 ml/min 1.72 m2\nby CKD-EPI. The entrance to the BUN was 3.57 g/l. The albumin to creatinine\nratio of urinary of 300 mg/g (ACR) is a glomerular disease. HIV serology\ntest was negative. The abdominal-pelvic ultrasound revealed dedifferentiated\nkidneys of normal size. The patient received 7 hemodialysis sessions with femoral\nright catheter with heparin. The evolution was good and the patient\nwas enrolled in chronic hemodialysis. This interference could be regarded as\nan occupational disease and we wish early detection.